Tuesday, January 5, 2010

December Catch Up!!

I've been a bad, bad blogger!!! Haven't written one, haven't even been on blogger! Life has gotten busy and I am finally getting time to sit down and reflect! I'm gonna do a quick catch up with pictures, and then hopefully I'll have time to blog more from here on out...

David and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary December 20th. We went to dinner with our friends, Ty and Serenity, on the 19th at Pinnacle Country Club and counted that as our night out:). It was so much fun, Pinnacle had a beautiful Christmas dinner all lit by candlelight! We got to get all dressed up and have a night out!

Fast forward to Christmas Eve....we stayed in town and Maddox and I made goodies all day! Then got dressed in our Christmas best and went to church for a beautiful service. I probably would have gotten more out of it if my kids had behaved, BUT I loved it none the less!
Here's me trying to get Maddox to take a picture....ha! Don't I look jolly!!!??
This is the best we got.....

After church service our best friends, the Hutchinsons, came over for dinner, cookie making and present opening. Lots, lots, lots of fun! All of the kids got to open Christmas jammies and of course we made them take pictures in them!

Amber and I really got into the cookie painting...ha! Love you girl!!These two were hillarious...they "fight" over everything...and I mean WRESTLE...it is so funny...in this pic they are fighting over the cup and straw....they are like brother and sister!!;)

By the time they left the snow was falling....
Christmas morning was a WHITE Christmas!!!
And Santa brought lots of gifts....

But, then we had to drive to Little Rock in the snow to get to my sisters house...
It took forever ... but we made it, and got to open presents with my side of the family!

We stayed in Little Rock for a few days, even got to go to Sticky Fingerz with my sis and her friends! Lots of F-U-N! But, forgot the camera:(...

Once we got back home, we planned a quick trip to Branson to hit up Silver Dollar City and see their Christmas before they closed down for the season. Our friends, the Browns, went with us. We had a blast, and the kids were great! If you haven't seen Silver Dollar City at Christmas...it is a MUST next year!

Last up, New Years Eve!!! Can I just say that NYE always seems to be the most fun night of the year...I mean, EVERY year it is seriously a blast! We had a huge crew this year that included: My sis and Mark, Scott and Kendall, Shane and Rachel, Tara and Drew, Kim and Jake, Chris and Marcy, and Brian and Ashley.....and every person in this group knows how to have a good time...and that is what we did!

We started at Bonefish Grill for dinner, and then went to our neighborhoods NYE bash. There was a terrible band, but we had fun heckling them...and then eventually took the stage over and entertained the crowd ourselves....I laughed a lot....

Happy TwentyTen!


Tara Gibson said...

oh my word! hahahha love all the pics!!

Jill said...

Cute pics! Looks like you had a busy, but fun December! Just wondering where you found the giant "W" on your tree. That is my last initial too, and putting that on your tree is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Happy New Year~Jill

CaseyLew said...

I LOVE IT! I can't believe how big your boys are getting! I love your tree!:)

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

wow, all of that sounded like so much fun! i love all the pics, you look beautiful, those pretzels look yuuuummy, and your fam is adorable=) (and we've gotten plenty of the attempted cute scene pics, smile, smile, you can go play in a minute, just smile first, haha=) there are just too many fun things to do=)) Happy New Year!

Rachel said...

Love all the pictures!! We love yall and are so glad that we got to spend most of December with you =)!! 2010 is going to be AWESOME!!!

Bamawhitney said...

Love the catch up post! Love your hair! I so miss the snow! Wish I was home in BAMA this week since they are supposed to get some.

Happy New Year

Alissa said...

So glad you all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I am also glad that you have the patience to upload all of these pics, I love them!!!
Can't wait to see what 2010 has in store :)...