He just turned three on December 1. We had his party at Jump Zone with a Froggy Theme. He sleeps with a frog every night and told me thats what he wanted on his cake!;)
Here is me and the BIG BOY!!

Maddox loves Jump Zone too!

The party favors were these frog water bottle holders. You can clip them on backpacks and things!

Cruz's Frog Cake:

Doesn't he look THRILLED!!? By the time we did cake, he was pooped! Too much fun!!

This is the face he made the whole time we sang "Happy Birthday". I think he was super embarrassed!

Time to eat cake!

...and open presents!

He is obsessed with "booties". He talks about booties and hits his own "booty" all the time. Its called his "booty dance". Booties may be the funniest thing in the whole world to him. He also loves to moon people. Although I think he has the cutest bottom, I've got to nip that in the bud!
Along those same lines, he talks about poo-poo all the time. If you randomly say "poo-poo", you can get a laugh from him easily! If you ask him a question he doesn't want to answer, his response is always, POO-POO!!!
He LOVES to watch "tom and jerry". (He pronounces is "Tom and Jewee"). It is on ALL day. I DVR it off of the cartoon network for him...and we watch it over and over.
He loves to climb in my bed every night. Usually around 2am. I secretly love it, and NEVER make him go back to his own bed!
He still loves to golf, and recently started tennis lessons. So cute! I think he had 15 water breaks in his first lesson...which was a 30 minute lesson!
He loves healthy food, and not because I EVER pushed it on him. For example, We order pizza, he eats the salad only. He is perfectly fine with grilled chicken and broccoli for dinner!! Where did he get that!!?
He is back into choo-choos. We took a break from trains, but he has rediscovered them lately.
He is pretty talkative and I LOVE to listen to him. He usually starts his sentences with, "Hey Mom, actually I want to....." I love that he says actually!! Sounds more like "ak-choo-wee". So funny!
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