Thursday I my sweet friends Heather and Michelle threw me the nicest baby shower! We all had such a good time! There will soon be a wave of babies around here...6 of the girls there were pregnant too! That's all of us and our bellies below. Guess we are all at that "stage". Thank you to all my wonderful friends who came and "showered" Cruz with gifts! Its amazing how you still need stuff, even after you have one! I feel a little more prepared now and I'm going to start washing all of his new clothes this week. He won't be able to wear much of Maddox's clothes since they were born in different seasons...I just hate that! Guess its an excuse to shop:)!

Saturday morning I headed to Fayetteville for a Junior League breakfast, and again, had to fight the bikes on the interstate...CRAZY! After that we took Maddox and his cousins, Sloan and Margaux, to Chuck E Cheese's. It was Maddox's first time going and he was in sensory overload! He sat while we ate pizza and just looked around in amazement. Once he got out of his chair he just ran around like crazy. He got to ride lots of rides and play a few games. He loved all the little car rides that just rock back and forth. It was so cute, now I know what we'll do on rainy days!

Saturday night my sister and Mark, and friends Scott and Kendall stopped in on their way back from Kansas City. My sister birthday is Monday, so we all went out (without kids!) and ate at Abuelo's. They all stayed the night and we stayed up playing games for a while...lots of fun! It seems I always laugh a LOT when we all get together:).
And last, I just have to include a picture of Maddox after church today, he just looked too cute! I got this little fall outfit of ebay...only problem is Maddox's height. It is an 18 month outfit and it is just barely long enough! I mean, it hits right at his ankles! I'm gonna have to have Grandmother move the buttons already! He is so tall!