Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kauai 2008

David and I just got back from Hawaii this week. We took one last vacation .... just the two of us. We know that once Cruz is here, its gonna be REALLY hard to do anything without kids. Of course, I missed Maddox like crazy. I thought about him constantly and I think he would have loved Hawaii. However, the plane ride would have been a nightmare...not to mention the 5 hour time change! That was hard enough on me...can't imagine Maddox having to adjust.

Anyways, we took a million pics, so instead of trying to post them like I normally do, I'm attaching a link to see the album. I still narrowed alot down. Everything was just so beautiful, I couldn't help but keep snapping pics. The plants there are insane, and our resort literally smelled like Plumeria (I only recognized it thanks to Bath and Body Works). Amazing many stories, I'll have to tell them in person...way too much to blog about:)!!!! The link also has a map to show where on the island each pic was taken.

Here is the link to view the album:


Bridget said...

Looks like it was a fun time! I love Hawaii!! Jim and I are prob going to Jamaica or somewhere in the Caribbean in April or May I have never been to Jamaica it would be fun.

You look good!!! Enjoy your family of 3 for now, since once you have Cruz its about to change!! let me know if you ever need help I am a pro now :) that is with twins not at parenting. ha ha!

Alissa said...

Fun times, thanks for yet another great vacation!!! I loved the pics that you shared, I can only imagine how many you took. You look good, are you still feeling good??? I hope that all is well!

The Bells said...

Did you love Kauai? Matt and I went there last summer and I think it's the most beautiful place on Earth! How are you doing? Not much longer until baby Cruz is here! You look great and I love the dress you are wearing at your shower....I've been searching for something cute to wear to mine....
Take care!
Sarah Bell