Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Before I Forget...
Maddox has several terms he has made up for different items. He ALWAYS uses "his" words, and we just know what he means. Anyone else may be confused....so just to clear it up, here is a little dictionary of Maddoxisms:
Army Stick: this is his word for "gun".
Red Shooting: this is a little red gun he has that shoots arrows. Hence the name, "red shooting".
B Snack: since Maddox could talk, he has always refferred to fruit snacks as "b snacks". Still does! Still don't know why!
Baby Milk: when Maddox asks for baby milk, it means he wants warm milk. The only way I can figure out where this came from is that when Cruz was born, he always had warm bottles. We would say, "that's the baby's milk". So Maddox wanted his the same, and the phrase "baby milk" was coined:).
Peace: this is what Maddox calls his Uncle Mark. A while back Mark was trying to teach Maddox to say Peace and I guess Maddox got it all confused. He has called him Peace ever since that day!
Check back, I just KNOW I'm missing something....I may be adding more:). But I just had to get this down before I forgot. This blog is like his baby book!
Army Stick: this is his word for "gun".
Red Shooting: this is a little red gun he has that shoots arrows. Hence the name, "red shooting".
B Snack: since Maddox could talk, he has always refferred to fruit snacks as "b snacks". Still does! Still don't know why!
Baby Milk: when Maddox asks for baby milk, it means he wants warm milk. The only way I can figure out where this came from is that when Cruz was born, he always had warm bottles. We would say, "that's the baby's milk". So Maddox wanted his the same, and the phrase "baby milk" was coined:).
Peace: this is what Maddox calls his Uncle Mark. A while back Mark was trying to teach Maddox to say Peace and I guess Maddox got it all confused. He has called him Peace ever since that day!
Check back, I just KNOW I'm missing something....I may be adding more:). But I just had to get this down before I forgot. This blog is like his baby book!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Lil Bit
I'm sitting here at my computer with my one year old, Cruz, in my lap....he's just about to drive me nuts, cute lil thing! So hard to blog when he's not napping! He LOVES messing with any and all technology. So when I sit down to the computer...he comes running!!!
I've been meaning to do an update on my lil guy for a while now! We'll start with his one year appointment. (Which was about 2 months late! Oops!). Last Monday we went to the dr. for a check up and his one year shots. Cruz does NOT like the doctor. He cries when they weigh him, when they measure him, when they look at him...he hates it all!! So needless to say it was not fun for either of us!
I know my lil Cruz is tiny, but when he weighed in at 19 lbs and 11 oz at almost 14 months...I was shocked! He's so tiny! On the chart he is in the 3% for weight. They decided it was time to fatten this baby up. We are now making his bottles (yes, still haven't weaned him off the bottle) with half PediaSure and half whole milk. This is suppose to add tons of calories. And he loves it! His bottles taste like milkshakes now!
So then he got his shots, which was totally heartbreaking. THEN, they decided to test him for anemia because of his size. So I had to take my screaming baby to the lab to get poked again...but this time he got a sucker...and that made it all better! (and no anemia!)
If you have followed my blog from the beginning of Cruz's life, you know that we have been seeing a pulmonoligist since he was about 6 months old. He had lung problems from the beginning and had to be put on thickener and inhalers. He has been doing great, but we had to go for a check up this Monday. Again, Cruz cried about every little thing they did....weight check, measure, blood pressure...it was all a nightmare to Cruz!
But the good news is in one week he went up to 20 pounds! The doctor was very happy with how his lungs sounded. And we do not have to go back for 6 months. She thinks that after the next check up we may get to take him off his medicines! Yay!
So that's the latest on the health of my lil bit, Cruz-y! And of course...here are a few pics!

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