Can I be cheesy for just a minute?? Great! Because I had the best mothers day weekend ever! Get ready for some sweet pics!
After 2 weeks of rain, we finally have sunshine again!! Friday night after dinner we sat on the back deck and just enjoyed the warmth!!
Look at cruzy!! Happy with ice cream all over his face;)!

I watered my plants;)

Played with Nash. He is so funny with this big ball. Our neighbors call him a circus dog. He is entertaining to say the least!

We played in water;)

And Ate a snack on the deck chair;). It was a good night!

Saturday we were off to soccer!;)

Cruz is so ready to be on a team!

That afternoon we played couples golf with our friends the Ducas. I hadn't played in over two years! Thankfully it was a scramble!!

Today we got up and headed to Tulsa. The plan was to go to the Oklahoma aquarium and then let me do some shopping!

I have NEVER in my life seen my kids so excited as they were at the aquarium! They were squeeling, jumping, running, and so into the whole experience! If you live close enough, this place is a must!!


You can't tell, but these were the "nemo" fish;)

We got to feed turtles!

Here we fed sting rays (we did get nickel and dimed to death with paying fr all the extra stuff, but totally worth it!!)

Cruz was scared of nothing!!!!!

Shark tank!

This is so blurry, but I still love it!!!

Then we ate lunch, and off for shopping. I bought some adirondack chairs I have been wanting. We play in our driveway a lot, and it's pretty big, so I wanted cute chairs we could leave out all the time. Happy mothers day to me!!
I love when the kids play so hard they pass out! I also love that Maddox has his souvenir in his lap;)

And last, I finally got my Keurig!!!!!!! I can't wait till morning!;)

And happy mothers day to my sweet momma!! I love you mom!
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