He plays with this red pan all the time. It's amazing what he has found to do with it....from mud pies, to golfing.....

He's so cute at bath time. I love clean babies!!

Pretty much anything he does melts my heart.....

He's so cute that I almost can't discipline him.... Almost!! This morning he threw his cereal bar.... Mad because it broke. Then he wouldn't pick it up, so I sent him to the corner. I told him he could come out when he was ready to clean his mess. He cried to hard!!! He stayed at least 15 minutes, then he came to his senses and decided to clean it up..., of course I had to snap a pic of him in the corner....isn't he pitiful???;)

Cruz also has the craziest things happen. 2 nights ago he was eating pasta salad. All of the sudden he started screaming and crying that his nose hurt. We thought pepper was burning him. He finally got over it, but yesterday he was super fussy. Then last night David was changing his diaper and noticed something orange in his nose...... He got some tweezers and.......

Pulled out this carrot!!!!!!!!!! It had Been up his nose for at least 24 hrs!!!!!!!! Wowzers!!!!!
Never a dull moment.....
But with all that said, I want to ask that you keep my lil Cruz in your prayers. He is getting tubes in his ears tmrw. I know it's fairly routine, but anytime they put your baby under, it's scary:(. So Thank you so much for your prayers!
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