One day we met up with my friend Serenity and her girls, Ashlyn and Kheringtyn. We all went to the botanical gardens and then to Noodles for lunch. The kids had so much fun, and believe it or not, they were perfect angels over lunch....all 4 of them! I'm not going to lie, I was dreading lunch just a bit because the kids were tired from being in the sun, and Cruz hadn't had a nap...but it was such a great lunch and Serenity and I actually got to each other....not our kids!
Maddox got to feed some chickens...his favorite part. I think we sat here for an lie!

Maddox and Ashlyn

We also met up at the mall one day with Amanda and one of Maddox's favorite friends, Neely. We let the kids play on the playground and then took them on a carousel ride....then, lunch at Olive Garden. Again, what a great day! My kids were good at the just never know how they will be!!
Maddox and Neely playing in the water!

Amanda and Neely:

Saturday we went to Silver Dollar City with the Vestal's. So much fun! Maddox and Neely get along so well together! We took a wagon for them to ride in and they did so good. That talked to each other, shared snack, was so darn cute!!! Cruz had fun too...he smiled all day long...even with no nap! I think that kid is going to really love SDC when we gets a little older.
I kept saying all the way home how much fun we had! Thanks Amanda, for inviting us!

And....he's out!