Monday, August 31, 2009
Check out my new banner!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Our Super-Fun Saturday!

Mr. "I'm starting a diet tomorrow...".....hahaha!

Good times....BUT..................Our Saturday didn't end there. I cannot tell you the last time David and I had been on a Mom and Dad came over and watched the kids so we could go out. I just love having them close and I am so glad they are always willing to watch my babies!
Here's me and my date before we happy to have a night out!
David and I decided to go to Crabby's...if you live in NWA and haven't been you need to good! And I don't even like seafood! I got the black and bleu salad...YUMMY!
When we finished dinner we realized that if we went home, the babies would not be in bed yet. SOOOO, we went across the street to aLoft and shot pool. We haven't had that much fun together in a long time!
Me trying to pose instead of focusing on the game"
David focusing on the game:
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Adventure's of Cruz
This video is just too cute for words. Cruz was in the best mood this morning and into everything, so I decided to get out the camera. He just barges in the office, does a little dance, and then notices "mama". I know he's mine, but isn't he just the cutest thing EVER!!!!???
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Here's What's Up
- Cruz will NOT eat veggies...only fruit! Not sure what to do about that!
- Maddox is hitting the terrible two's...whining, crying, driving me nuts!
- We are adding lots of storage and cleaning out the garage...I'll post pics when we get it all finished! I love some organization!
- I got a new housekeeper thanks to my friend, Serenity, and this one is so awesome, very thankful for David letting me get one...our house is as clean as the day we moved in now! She is cleaning as I type!
- Maddox is still calling me "AMY"!
- Junior League Winter Dreams planning is going good, we are up to 8 homes....goal is 10! Chairing this committee is a lot of work, but so far lots of fun!
- Next month is VEGAS!! We bought tickets to see "O" at the bellagio....and of course, we are still planning to see Britney!!!!!!!!!
- David and I broke our boat:(. The lake water is way down and David accidentally drove over some rocks and broke our prop...we were dead ducks on the lake for a few hours, until our SUPER NICE dock neighbor came out and towed us back....thank the LORD! Now to get it fixed....
- I've hit the gym again and I'm so sore it hurts to laugh, cough, sit, stand, walk, drive, you get the idea!
- However, Life is good!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Baby Wants a Cupcake....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Wierd Obsession!

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Stuff, Stuff, and More Stuff to Blog about!

Monday, August 3, 2009
Two New Milestones

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Redneck Part-ay