I know I've said this before, but I've become such a bad blogger/picture taker. I rely on my iPhone for pics and RARELY us my good one! I'm so going to regret that!! So most of these are from the phone, but hey, at least I'm blogging!!
The cooler weather is feeling great! Loving the crisp Fall air, but it is a little bittersweet to say goodbye to summer! BUT, I just ordered my new Fall bag which makes me happy, and I can't WAIT to pull out my boots (and add a few to the collection!!).
Moving on:)....back to the pics....I take the boys to
ChickFilA often, just like most parents with kids. I love that if they take
their kids meal toy to the counter they get a free ice cream. I always make the boys go by themselves to do it. It is so funny to watch!

Remember the adorable shirts I got from Hugs N Stitches ( look her up on
Facebook). Here are the boys wearing them at the mall the other day:).
BTW, that day at the mall I had a TOTAL momma bear moment. I had taken the kids in a shoe store planning to get both kids a new pair. It was completely empty and there was a section of toys for kids to play with. My kids went over to play while I shopped. There was a huge bin of balls next to the toy section and my kids started digging through them. I swear they were NOT doing anything wrong, just looking. This disgusting worker came and got on to them and said leave the balls alone. I turned and looked at him with a death glare. Then turned back around. He AGAIN said to leave the balls alone....mind you they placed them in the kids area!! I put back the things I had planned to buy, jerked up my poor kids, and LEFT!!!
Sorry, got off track....ha!.... here are the shirts!

Two of my favorite girls to hang with are Ashley and Amanda. I swear I laugh NON STOP with them!!! We went out to eat the other night and this is the only silly picture I got. I won't waste your time and tell you why it was so funny, cause it won't make an sense:)

LPGA is an
annual event at Pinnacle Country Club. David goes every year, but I've never been. I got four tickets given to me, so we decided to take the boys. Cell phones weren't allowed, of course I brought mine anyways, so we took a quick pic when no one was looking. We were following Michelle
Wie and Stacy Lewis in this pic:)

Here is me, Kim, Melisa, and Kelly....We spent last Saturday night up at the club listening to a band of guys that live here in the hood. Such a fun night!

Tuesday Melisa and I tried to take the kids to Jump Zone....it was rainy and we wanted to wear them out! I was so mad when we got there and it was CLOSED!!!!! So we quickly had to get a new plan...We went to Imagine Studios to paint pottery instead. The kids loved and and I even had them make a cute Halloween Platter with the kids feet as ghosts.
Unfortunately, Jump Zone would have cost $16. Painting Pottery was about $90!!!! Whoa!!

Oh yes we did, Cruz and I dug a hole in the backyard yesterday and set up his own putting area! Now we are going to have to have the lawn guy mow extra short and he will be in HEAVEN!!

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! I'm heading to a Fall Fashion Preview tonight, a friends 40
th Bday party tomorrow, and calling the HOGS Saturday!!!
Wooooooooo Pig
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