10:15: Taught Maddox to share his ball with Neely...thank God I let him bring it. We needed some entertainment!
10:25: We decided to take some pictures of Maddox and Neely:

10:30: They decided to hug...sweet!

10:31: Hugs moved to kisses....adorable!

10:45: Where the heck is the owner!! Did I mention a WHOLE school bus pulled up for a field trip to paint pottery and no one was there to let them in!! They ended up leaving!!

10:55: We leave for McAllisters to eat lunch...we'll try back after lunch! Ugh! Thank goodness the kids still had fun playing!
When we return, someone is there...turns out the girl who was suppose to open was sick...hmmmm, wonder if she got fired....they missed a TON of business not opening on time!
I can't show you everything that was made (shhhh, its a surprise)....BUT, here is a little something I had the boys make for me for Mother's Day. Its Cruz's feet and Maddox's hand. I am having the store paint the rest for me since I'm not "arty". It will be a flower and it will say around the edge "A Flower for You so sweet, Maddox painted his hand, Cruz painted his feet!!" I'll show a finished product when i get it!

Today was the last day of Kindermusik, so I brought along my camera to get a few pics. Maddox has really enjoyed this class and has learned SO much from it. I highly recommend it to anyone with toddlers and/or preschoolers.
Here is Maddox at story time. He just can't stay on his bottom and always blocks the view for the other kids!

And here he is running to see me for whatever reason, I don't know. ADD? :)

The kids all love to help put of the story blanket...to cute!

And here is Maddox getting his stamp before we leave.

Its been so much fun...we will miss going!
The highlight of my day today, however, was the warehouse sale of Signed, Sealed, Delivered!! Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE THIS STORE!!!!! It is so my weakness. So anyways, everything in the warehouse was 75% off!!!!!!! Heaven! I got Christmas ribbons, Christmas mesh for my garlands, invitations I don't yet know when I'll use!, platters, and my fave (pictured below) were these adorable lady bugs. I had been eyeing these in the store. I bought a wreath here last summer that had a ladybug in it and I wanted the other "bugs" to put in the topiary's on either side of my door. They were regular $25 a piece....I got them for $6...woo-hoo. Here is my wreath and ladybugs...we are ready for summer!