Let's start with the fun! David and I love the lake! We bought a boat a few years ago and have had a blast with it. I love getting to go to the lake. I really believe we are making great memories out there with our kids.
We have a lil slice of lake property that will hopefully one day have a house on it...one day....
Here is a photo of our lil slice of heaven and our dock:

Our view from the dock

Looking back, we did a lot wrong. It could have turned out much worse. I learned a big lesson and we also had the opportunity to talk to the kids about why those annoying life vests are so very important. We will be extra careful from here on out. I will NEVER put Maddox on without an adult again. But another thank you to Jefferson for acting like an adult and taking charge in a scary situation.
We decided that for the rest of the day we would swim and play....and of course, eat!
Look at these besties having a snack together:
Look at sweet, sweet SJ...brown eyed girl!
Can't say enough how much I love this girl!!! She is my very best friend!! Love you Amber!!
Daddy and Cruzer!
We were able to get Maddox back in the water. It took some serious talking, but I wanted to leave on a good note. I didn't want him to be scared of the water. So Mommy got in and held Maddox in the water for about 5 minutes, then he was ready to get back out. We start swimming lessons on the 21st...
We left the lake early yesterday. Amber and I had plans to meet up with the girls and headed out to watch Sex and the City 2. I know its gotten bad reviews, but I loved it. Then we all headed to Bonefish for dinner and a few cosmos. And dessert:).
When we were leaving Amber mentioned needing to go to Target...I think it was like 9:15. I was game! Love Target. We stayed till they turned the lights off. Fun times!
Today my sister and her family are coming in town. We are heading back to the lake tomorrow with a BRAND NEW tube!! We'll be safe...promise! And y'all be safe this weekend too!