Who wouldn't want to share the bed with this cute, crazy headed little three year old??

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*Been feeling nostalgic...started looking back over my blog. I love blogging since it is like a scrapbook you can look back on anytime you want. Here is what we were up to this month LAST year.
*And here is what we were doing this month TWO years ago...wowie...life changes fast!
*Okay, I have to share some summer beauty products I have become addicted to. It would just be wrong to keep these two things all to myself! First, Moroccan Oil...you must buy it now. You put it on damp hair before you dry. It cuts drying time BIG TIME...plus, my hair has never been softer...check it out and get you some here! I promise..worth every penny!!! You only use a little. My hairdresser said it one bottle will last at least a year!
*Second thing is my new fave lip gloss. I bought the shade in the middle. My husband even loves the look of it...summer bronzey color. Perfect! I consider myself a lip gloss connoisseur...and this IS the best ever. I bought mine at Sephora, you can get it by clicking here.