Blogger has not let me upload photos for THREE days...I have lots of cute things to share:(. Stay tuned!!!
Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Question For Moms of Boys:
Look, I know boys are different from girls. But sometimes I need other moms to help clarify some things for me.
I would especially live to hear from moms if more than one boy.
My boys seem to be really destructive. They rarely play with toys. They look for somehting else to get into. Especially if it's something they can tear up. And it's about to make me loose my mind! Is this just what boys like to do?
My boys are so destructive. My house is taking a toll. And if your new to my blog i have two boys, ages 2 and 3. So maybe this is normal. I just can't keep up with them!!!
I keep thinking I'm so ready for Christmas. Maybe a bunch of new toys will help keep them occupied!!

(don't let this sweetness fool you;)....)
- Posted using BlogPress from my FABULOUS iPhone
I would especially live to hear from moms if more than one boy.
My boys seem to be really destructive. They rarely play with toys. They look for somehting else to get into. Especially if it's something they can tear up. And it's about to make me loose my mind! Is this just what boys like to do?
My boys are so destructive. My house is taking a toll. And if your new to my blog i have two boys, ages 2 and 3. So maybe this is normal. I just can't keep up with them!!!
I keep thinking I'm so ready for Christmas. Maybe a bunch of new toys will help keep them occupied!!

(don't let this sweetness fool you;)....)
- Posted using BlogPress from my FABULOUS iPhone
Monday, October 25, 2010
Our Neighborhood Halloween Carnival
Every year our neighborhood puts on a huge Halloween carnival for all the neighborhood kids. They get all dressed up in Halloween costumes, walk in a parade down to the clubhouse, and then get to enjoy games, food, face painting, bounce houses, you name it! It is a good time!!
We invited my parents to go with us this year. Cruz is the Very Hungry Caterpillar for Halloween. He was NOT HAPPY with his costume. So Grandad decided to read him the story before we left. Well, I guess it worked, because after that we was happy to put the costume on!!
Here is Maddox getting all suited up in his Iron Man garb. He was so serious about it!!
What a boy. I told him to go pose by our pumpkins!!

Cruz acted like his hat weighed weighed 50 pounds!! I swear it doesn't!!

Here are the kiddos getting ready for the parade!!

The start of the parade....

Cruzy got tired of walking...

TWO Iron Men!! Maddox and Nikko!

Grandad and Cruz

They had a fire truck for the kids to play on:

Maddox asked LOTS of questions about the firetruck. He looked under it, wanted to know what every little part did. It was really cute!

My boys skipped the face painting and opted for tattoos!

Maddox picked a scary ghost:

Cruz picked a skull and cross bones. And just for the record there were lots of "cute" things to pick from. Cute pumpkins and spiders, little "Boo's"..stuff like that. My boys picked the hard core Halloween stuff!

Game time!

Pumpkin Toss:

This was a game where you were suppose to throw the sticky balls on the wall. Cruz just walked up and stuck them on. It was cute.

Cookie Decorating Station:

And the MOST obsessed with the fire truck was Cruz!!! He looked at this thing for like 30 minutes!!

He. Would. Not. Get. Out.

When I finally got him away, he got his Dad and Grandad to take him back. Again...and again...and again....:).
We invited my parents to go with us this year. Cruz is the Very Hungry Caterpillar for Halloween. He was NOT HAPPY with his costume. So Grandad decided to read him the story before we left. Well, I guess it worked, because after that we was happy to put the costume on!!

Cruz acted like his hat weighed weighed 50 pounds!! I swear it doesn't!!

The start of the parade....

Cruzy got tired of walking...

TWO Iron Men!! Maddox and Nikko!

Grandad and Cruz

They had a fire truck for the kids to play on:

Maddox asked LOTS of questions about the firetruck. He looked under it, wanted to know what every little part did. It was really cute!

My boys skipped the face painting and opted for tattoos!

Maddox picked a scary ghost:

Cruz picked a skull and cross bones. And just for the record there were lots of "cute" things to pick from. Cute pumpkins and spiders, little "Boo's"..stuff like that. My boys picked the hard core Halloween stuff!

Game time!

Pumpkin Toss:

This was a game where you were suppose to throw the sticky balls on the wall. Cruz just walked up and stuck them on. It was cute.

Cookie Decorating Station:

And the MOST obsessed with the fire truck was Cruz!!! He looked at this thing for like 30 minutes!!

He. Would. Not. Get. Out.


Maddox loved the bounce houses:

They had tons of candy apples. Chocolate covered ones. And a chef that sprinkled powdered sugar on top of them. Um ya. Good stuff.

More cookie fun!!
Ganmommy helping out:

Maddox with out sweet neighbor kids, Nick and Lily!!
We had a GREAT time!! Lots more Halloween fun this week! We have a Halloween playdate, hayrides, parties, and of course, Trick or Treating!!!

They had tons of candy apples. Chocolate covered ones. And a chef that sprinkled powdered sugar on top of them. Um ya. Good stuff.

More cookie fun!!

Maddox with out sweet neighbor kids, Nick and Lily!!

Oh, David took Maddox to Saturdays Razorback game...once I get the pictures from Davids phone I will share....Maddox had a great time cheering on the hogs to victory over Ole Miss!! Woo Pig!!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I signed up for this of my friends from back home makes these adorable items and is having a party at Riffraff (which happens to be a store I love, owned by a girl I love, who happens to be decorating my master bedroom at the moment)...anyways, you should do this with me!!
Check it out HERE!
Check it out HERE!
Monday, October 18, 2010
I have lots of pictures to post from this weekend! Lots of Fall Fun activities. But for now I'm just going to do a cute, quick post on Cruzy.
You see, he's a little stinker. He's old enough to know right from wrong...but smart enough to know he how to get away with anything! When we tell him not to do something, he knows what we are saying. But he cutely says, "OHHHH-KAAAY " he is going to mind us. Then he just keeps right along doing what he wants to do. And he is so stinkin cute it works.
I got a little video clip of him in action today. It was nap time and he KEPT ON GETTING OUT OF BED!! He would sneak out, and peak over the balcony and look at me down in the living room. I kept telling him to go back to bed, and he just gave me his usual, "OKAY!!!", without ever really minding me.
You see, he's a little stinker. He's old enough to know right from wrong...but smart enough to know he how to get away with anything! When we tell him not to do something, he knows what we are saying. But he cutely says, "OHHHH-KAAAY " he is going to mind us. Then he just keeps right along doing what he wants to do. And he is so stinkin cute it works.
I got a little video clip of him in action today. It was nap time and he KEPT ON GETTING OUT OF BED!! He would sneak out, and peak over the balcony and look at me down in the living room. I kept telling him to go back to bed, and he just gave me his usual, "OKAY!!!", without ever really minding me.
PS. Don't you just love how you can hear Maddox yelling for me in the background toward the end. Ahhhh, a mothers job is never dull. He was back in my room and needed a snack. Sometimes I wish I was 3 and had someone to wait on me hand and foot!! :)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Halloween Cupcake Fun
First let me say that I loooooove to make cupcakes!! (from the box, cough) I just like to decorate them and have them out for whatever holiday it may be. Plus the kids love it, too!
But, second, I am the worlds worst at going to the grocery store, talking on the phone as I shop and coming home with all the wrong stuff. (For example: I often come home with two shampoos instead of one shampoo and one conditioner. Or blue mascara instead of black. Zucchini's instead of get the idea...)
So the other day I got all pumped to make cupcakes with the kids. When I got out my box and started reading I realized, as usual, I bought the WRONG THING. It was Halloween sugar cookie mix!!! UGH.
I decided to go with it. Cruzy was my helper. Excuse the orange icing on his face. He had already been into the Halloween Oreos. Yes, I buy anything Halloween this time of year.
We worked hard on the cookie dough:)
But for some reason this is what we got. What the heck???? Not even worth icing!!
I went straight to the store and bought the right stuff. I was so determined to make some cupcakes at this point!!
Maddox loved the mixer!
Maddox was DYING to get into the icing while the cupcakes were baking. I pulled out our sad little sugar cookies and let him practice with the gel icing. How cute is this one. When he finished he said (very proudly I might add) "LOOK, I MADE CRUZ!!!".
Then I asked him to make a cookie that looked like him:

I heart this lil guy.

And these guys too.
Almost ready. I swear I didn't pose this picture. The kid was really that excited to get them out to ice.
But, second, I am the worlds worst at going to the grocery store, talking on the phone as I shop and coming home with all the wrong stuff. (For example: I often come home with two shampoos instead of one shampoo and one conditioner. Or blue mascara instead of black. Zucchini's instead of get the idea...)
So the other day I got all pumped to make cupcakes with the kids. When I got out my box and started reading I realized, as usual, I bought the WRONG THING. It was Halloween sugar cookie mix!!! UGH.
I decided to go with it. Cruzy was my helper. Excuse the orange icing on his face. He had already been into the Halloween Oreos. Yes, I buy anything Halloween this time of year.

I heart this lil guy.

And these guys too.

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