Our neighborhood does TONS of Fall activities this time of year. This is the first year we really participated. This past Friday we went to a "Build Your Own Pasta Night" and then a hay ride around the neighborhood. They also had a haunted house, which, obviously, we did not take Maddox. But, they did have one room set up called "Tiny Tunnels". There was a maze made of cardboard boxes, all the lights were out except for black lights, and lots of streamers. We thought Maddox would be to scared, but he loved going through it! That was all he wanted to do....he wouldn't even eat dinner! It was so funny!
There were two hay rides to choose from. A "Haunted Hayride" and the "Kiddie Hayride". As much as we wanted to go on the haunted one, we did the kiddie for Maddox. It was after dark and we just went on a big loop around the neighborhood. Maddox had a blast....mostly because a tractor was pulling us. Tractors and trucks are his new obsession!

Saturday we had to drive to Little Rock for my niece Margaux's 5th birthday party...which as I mentioned before was a unicorn theme. My sister had all kinds of activities in the backyard, including a bounce house, which ALL the kids loved...especially Maddox. He also had a good time on the trampoline with Ella, Brody, and David Austin...who are all older than him and can really jump. He just fell around and laughed the whole time. Here are just a few pictures from the party.
Here's Maddox and the birthday girl, Margaux, before the party. Once all the kids arrived, Maddox couldn't get in the bounce house...he would have been crushed!:)

Here are the boys of the party...

Fun times on the trampoline...Brody, Maddox, and Ella.

Have I mentioned the child loves suckers?? I mean REALLY loves a sucker!!

So while I was at the party my good friend Amber had her baby back in Rogers. I went to see her new baby girl that night. She was so precious, and all I could think when I held her is that I will have one of my own in 5 (hopefully less) weeks! Congrats, Amber!!!
Speaking of babies, Sunday my friend Michelle and I threw a shower at my house for our friend Heather. She is having a baby girl, Eden, around the same time I'll be having Cruz. We have had so many similarities in our pregnancies, but here's a funny one worth mentioning. At my shower, my sisters friend Kendall was asking what Heather was naming her baby. When we told her Eden she immediately pointed out that THE couple of the 80's/90's soap opera "Santa Barbara" was Cruz and Eden. I mean they were the super couple. There are websites STILL dedicated to this couple. Don't believe me....
CLICK HERE! So I'm sure our kids are destined to hit it off..Ha!
So here are the three of us...Michelle, Heather, and myself. I really hate how swollen I look. I think I'm about ready to quit taking pics of myself until after this baby!!

And one last thing, David deserves Dad of the Year with how much he has helped me out this past week! Tuesday I also had a shower at the house and he took Maddox to Chuck E Cheese's for 2 hours! Today he took Maddox to the neighborhood costume parade and Fall Festival. He went with some friends of ours and their two sons. David is the best and I can't thank him enough! I must admit, I am jealous I missed the parade. David said it was so cute. I sent a camera with him and here are a few pics...
The boys, Christian, Nikko, and Maddox..all ready for the parade.

Ring Toss game:

David said they spent FOREVER at the fire truck! I'm telling you, Maddox loves some trucks!

Playing on the golf carts:

Dad and Madd...too cute! Thanks for being such a great Dad, David!! I love you!