Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Cruz's New Favorite Toy
When I left him with it he was just playing with the wheels and making the sirens go.
Then I kept hearing the motor run, then giggles, motor run, giggles...motor run, giggles...
I went to see what he was doing....that little stinker had figured out how to sit in the car and make it drive! He was having a blast! So cute!!!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Loving some Christmas!
Here's me and the bestest friend around!

Hims is cold!

So today we took the boys to visit with Santa. Since Maddox TOTALLY gets that Santa brings you presents, he had no trouble sitting in his lap! Brother on the other hand...well, you can see for yourself! For some reason I love the red faced, tear stained, runny nose, screaming at the top of your lungs Santa pics! Priceless!

We also met up with our friends, The Browns, and had lunch at the mall and let the kids ride the carousel. Our mall has a great food court and the kids had a blast!

Now, I'm still working to get a video up of the boys with Santa, but of course blogger is so ANNOYING and HARD TO USE!!! Ugh!
In the mean time, if someone runs into my husband...make sure he knows his wife has been good this year and TOTALLY deserves an Iphone, K?! Thanks!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Where did the year go??

One year later, I'm still completely in love!
Dear Cruz-y,
Happy Birthday to the sweetest momma's boy around! I love your determination (you know how to get what you want!), I love your sweetness (you give the best kisses a momma could ever dream of), I love your ocean blue eyes, I love your little "teefies", I love that you are so tiny, I love your fuzzy hair, I love to watch you eat real food, I love to watch you play (and fight already...) with your brother, I love how you hold little things between you forfinger and your thumb, I love that you ALWAYS want your Momma, and I love that you already seem to have this little independant personality! You came into my life as a BIG surprise, but life wouldn't be the same without you, sweet boy!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Cruz's One Year Photo Session!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Winter Dreams Sneak Peeks...
Kirsten Blowers, the awesome girl who did my gameroom, is working hard helping her mom get her house ready for the tour. It is going to be spectacular. And each week on Kirstens blog she is posting a sneak peek at her moms house. I want you all to go check it out. It is so original and just amazing. I can't wait to see it in person!
Here is a link to her blog...scroll down and make sure you look at both posts so far!: http://kirstenblowersinteriordesign.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Winter Dreams Paints the Horse!

Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween Weekend Pictures!
Here we are at Las Fajitas!
Rachel and I!
Our neighborhood always does lots of fun stuff for Halloween. So Friday night we met our friends, Chris and Marcy, and their two boys at the club for dinner. They had haunted houses set up so the kids played in those for a while (minus Maddox, he was too scared!). And then we took them on a haunted hay ride through the golf course. It sounded like a good idea at the time, but I may have made a mistake taking a 2 year old. Maddox buried his head in my lap the entire time! Wooops!!!
For Halloween, Maddox was a Banana, Cruz was a Monkey. They had a blast trick or treating! Maddox was so excited to get candy and Cruz kept clapping his hands! They were SOOOOO cute!
Here is Maddox after getting a piece of candy!
Here are the boys...sorry for the blurry picture..it so hard to get a shot of them! they are both constantly on the move!My lil monkey...with pink eye:(
Cruz got to eat one piece of candy....a 3 Musketeer...it was a huge hit! He wanted lots more!!
Maddox could have cared less about the actual candy. His first pick out of the candy he collected was pretzels! Followed by a popcorn ball...weird! I always want the sugar!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Want to see something cute?
Thanks Rachel...Maddox had a BLAST!!!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Say Ba-Bye!!!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom
Cruz is teething...which means, he follows me around constantly crying, only stopping if I will pick him up.
Maddox is in full swing of the TERRIBLE TWO'S!!!! Whining, tantrums, crying, whining, crying, more tantrums, 'mommy, mommy, mommy'...
This combination at the same time is so hard.
The only peace I get is at this very moment, when they are both napping!
But soon, I'll here "Mommy!!!" and it'll be time to get them up....and then it all starts again.
I love my babies, I thank God for my husband and parents who are so willing to always help out. But life....its hard! Anyone who says being a stay at home mom is not a 'real' job...ha! I go crazier now than when I taught a class of 30 junior high kids!
But, I do love my babies.....and somehow....in all the craziness....I do love being a stay at home mom!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Last Weekend Catch Up....

Look at my sweet boys last Saturday! They were all dressed up in their Razorback Red for Saturday's Game....you know, the one were the hogs KILLED Auburn!!??

Ashley and I before the game! Woooooooo Pig Sooie! We both wore red flower headbands...not planned!

Serenity, Amber, me, and Ashley at the bday party! Happy Birthday, Saylor!

Check out Cruz's baby blues....they will melt your heart!

Rachel and I taking a pic of ourselves by the corn maze...
Friday, October 16, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
No time to blog......
Monday, October 5, 2009
Punkin Patch Pics!

Here is Sloan, Maddox, and Margaux all on the tree swings:

Family Portrait...NOT, Maddox is not a picture taker!

Grandad and Ganmommy with all the grandkids:

Here's my lil "punkin face"...

Maddox loved this slide...you went down sitting on a piece of wood....I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous about splinters!

The kids in the corn maze:

Sweet picture...to bad Maddox was being honory and wouldn't let me get a good shot of him!