He loved it then....He loved it THEN....
And he loves it now.

I say all of this because last weekend the boys stayed at my mom and dads. And for the first time in Maddox's life....he did not have a taci. Not one. I woke up at 3 am and remembered that I did not leave one at their house. I was so stressed thinking all through the night that he must be miserable. He must crying. He must wonder where it is.
I immediately called the next morning. To my surprise, Maddox had not asked for it ONCE. Never even mentioned the word. Slept the whole night. Was totally fine.
Okay, we thought, this must be it. Its time. Get rid of them so that he never sees one again.
Brought him home. Laid him down for a nap.
First words, "Where's my taci?".
Mine, "They've gone bye-bye.".
Maddox (in complete panic), "But where are they, I want my taci".
Me (trying not to cave), "They're bye-bye, have a good nap".
I bolted.
He cried...for 30 minutes.
Then finally, quiet.
Maybe this is gonna work.
Then, more crying.
Then, Momma caves...I give him all six of his taci's and he is so appreciative and relieved.
So am I...I'm such a softie.
So I'm just curious....how old do you think is too old. And any good suggestions of how to get rid of the taci are completely welcome.
For now we have told him, "When your 3 the taci fairy comes and takes all your taci's, but you'll get a big prize left in return....". Ridiculous, I know...