Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer Random Thursday

  • Hope everyone is having a great summer! I'm loving all of your blogs. Summer and Fall are my faves! So many things to do!!
  • The weather here is yucky today and I have two lil guys with bad coughs....looks like we are staying in today!
  • Don't you just loooooove when this happens in the car?? Its rare with my kids, but wear them out at the lake and this is sure to follow: *Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong here?? I water EVERY day. This is a full sun plant and it is in the full afternoon sun. It used to look like big and beautiful. It wasn't a cheap hanging basket either!! Now look at the poor thing...someone help!

*Been feeling nostalgic...started looking back over my blog. I love blogging since it is like a scrapbook you can look back on anytime you want. Here is what we were up to this month LAST year.

*And here is what we were doing this month TWO years changes fast!

*Okay, I have to share some summer beauty products I have become addicted to. It would just be wrong to keep these two things all to myself! First, Moroccan must buy it now. You put it on damp hair before you dry. It cuts drying time BIG, my hair has never been softer...check it out and get you some here! I promise..worth every penny!!! You only use a little. My hairdresser said it one bottle will last at least a year!

*Second thing is my new fave lip gloss. I bought the shade in the middle. My husband even loves the look of it...summer bronzey color. Perfect! I consider myself a lip gloss connoisseur...and this IS the best ever. I bought mine at Sephora, you can get it by clicking here.

  • So what do ya'll think about Lindsey Lohan finally going to jail...I think its long overdue. Do ya'll keep up with celebrity info...I do, lets just say I visit the TMZ app too many times in a day!

  • This summer I have been playing tennis twice a week and loving every second. I have been playing for a year now and I think we may start competing in out! Ha!!!

  • Speaking of wouldn't believe the cute outfits they make for the game. Check these cute lil numbers I am scoping out...


Jill said...

You know, I am as baffled about my flowers outside as you are. Everywhere I drive, I see everyone's flowers looking poofy and lush and mine are just kinda pathetic. My hanging pot died a week or so ago, too, even though I had watered it everyday. ??? I just don't get it.

I definitely will try those products you suggested!...I love trying new stuff!

Love those little tennis outfits too! We actually have a raquet club here where I live. I even have a membership to it because my husband plays raquetball, but I've never been there. I might have to look into it when both boys get in school and Kennedy's in preschool. I'll have a few hours of free time to myself for the first time in years. YAY!

I'm addicted to TMZ on my phone, too, and I totally think Lindsey belongs in jail. Only because she thinks she's above the law. But it still makes me sad to see a 24 year old in jail. She's got issues.

Hope your little guys feel better soon!

CaseyLew said...

I am a plant killer too! I have petunias and zinnias, and they are always at life of death because I never remember to water them. Once a month I give them some miracle grow and they to great!