I post a lot about how cute I think my kids are, fun stuff we do, new milestones, etc. This post is different. This post is a dose of reality. This post is me screaming to my mommy blogger friends for encouragement!!!!!
Where to begin...Oh, I know, easy one...lets start with the fact that my two boys are a mere 18 months apart. Maddox will be 3 in June, Cruz is almost 17 months. They both seem to be at hard stages at the same time. The mornings, well lets just say, there is no more sitting watching cartoons, mommy drinking coffee, boys holding blankeys and being sleepy and sweet.

(don't let this photo fool you;))
From the time Maddox gets up it goes something like this: Mommy, I need to potty, where is my milk, my mild isn't warm, can I play upstairs, I don't want breakfast, i want candy, mommy, where are my monster trucks, I can't find them, mommy, WHERE ARE MY MONSTER TRUCKS, WAAAAAHAAAA..........
At the same time is Cruz: needs a diaper, mommy changes it, he goes poopy, mommy changes it again, mommy feeds him breakfast, he feeds it to the dog, mommy gets him dressed, cruz spills juice down his shirt, cruz goes into daddys office, pulls out lots of papers that seem to be important, scribbles on them with a pen, mommy finds him, cruz goes upstairs with brother, lots of screaming, mommy runs upstairs, brother has tackled him, bring Cruz back downstairs, Cruz wanders to the kitchen, plays in dog food and water.....
You get the idea....its never ending....
And Maddox is the main source of my stress at the moment. Its his behavior. I'm hoping he is just a normal almost 3 year old and will grow out of this. But, he is getting in trouble constantly.

Any time I ask him to do something its "NO!". I warn him with time out, "NO!". I send him to the corner, he runs out, I send him back, he runs out, I physically have to hold him there while he screams......its right out of an episode from the 'SuperNanny'.

Here's another scenario: Its time to get dressed for the day. NOOOOOOOOOO! (I secretly dread this everyday because it is so horrible). Maddox HATES to get dressed. He wiggles, he screams, he kicks, he fights me the whole time. Once he's dressed, he snaps out of it. I on the other hand need a tranquilizer.
Oh, and then there is school. He has started getting in trouble at school. I picked him up last week and they told me he spent lots of time in "Time Out". Great. I asked Maddox why when we left, he said "Cause I hit boys, and guys". Nice.

What am I missing here fellow Mommies?? Am I doing something wrong? Is this normal or is my kid gonna be a huge trouble maker???
Gotta go, the kids are upstairs and it has been REALLY quiet for about 10 minutes, that is never a good sign....