Thursday, March 31, 2011


We love friends!! I've slacked on posting pics of some of our faves!!

Maddox and his favorite " big kid" Jefferson!

Me, Ashley, and Serenity at my house on Serenity's birthday!!

Maddox at the park on a playdate with his buddy Harry, who didn't make this pic because of the swing:(!! But I love maddoxs smile here!!

Cruz and Georgia Kelly, sweet friends!

Maddox and Harry watching super heroes!!

Micelles and I at Las Fajitas.... Yum!!

Cruz playing with Mr. Matt and Daddy!!

Cruz and Saylor Jane;)!

Amber and I at her sons football game;)!! His team colors aren't yellow, I guess we were just feeling springy!!;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my SUPER FAB iPad

1 comment:

Jill said...

Awwww, cute pics!!!